Testnet upgrade: v1.0

About the v1.0 upgrade

This release finalizes initial support for Amplifier.

Changes since 0.35.x:

  • Various fixes that improve stability
  • New queries in the axelarnet module to query the IBC path for a chain and the chain by IBC path
  • Added a new message type “BatchRequest”. In contrast to cosmos default behaviour, where the entire tx gets rolled back if there is an error in any of the contained message executions, this batch only rolls back the state for the specific messages that fail and keeps the rest
  • Allow refundable messages to be batched
  • Correctly pass message IDs between core and the new amplifier
  • Add functionality to quickly (de)activate the connection between core and amplifier in case of emergencies

See all the changes in the axelar-core release notes.

Upgrade height 14625900 at approximately 11AM Eastern Time (15:00 UTC) on August 1st, 2024 (countdown)


As of v1.0.0, the axelard binary releases require GLIBC_2.34, which is not present on Ubuntu 20.04.

You will need to compile axelard from source, or upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04.


If using the community node setup scripts, please update to the latest commit on main first. wasmvm lib will be auto-downloaded to $AXELARD_HOME/lib but you’ll need to add it to LD_LIBRARY_PATH before running the script.

  1. If you’re a validator or have delegated to one, you can vote for the upgrade proposal, while it’s active, via
axelard tx gov vote 99 yes --from validator
  1. Wait for the proposed upgrade block, 14625900. Your node will panic at that block height with a log: {"level":"error","module":"consensus","err":"UPGRADE \"v1.0\" NEEDED at height: 14625900", ...}. Stop your node after chain halt.
pkill -f 'axelard start'
# Validators need to also stop vald/tofnd
pkill -f 'vald-start'
pkill -f tofnd
  1. Backup the state:
cp -r ~/.axelar_testnet/.core/data ~/.axelar-lisbon-3-upgrade-0.35/.core/data

Caution: If you backup the entire folder, ~/.axelar_testnet/.core, that’ll also include your private keys (inside config and keyring-file subfolders). That can be dangerous if anyone gets access to your backups. We recommend backing up keys separately when you first create your node, and then excluding them from any data backups.

  1. Restart your axelard node with the new v1.0.0 build.
  2. If you’re a validator also restart vald with v1.0.0 and tofnd with v0.10.1.

tofnd 1.0.1 has been released, but we recommend adopting v1.0.1 of tofnd over the coming days, independently from the upgrade.

Example using join scripts in axelarate-community git repo:

# in axelarate-community repo (https://github.com/axelarnetwork/axelarate-community)
git checkout main
git pull
KEYRING_PASSWORD="pw-1" ./scripts/node.sh -n testnet -a v1.0.2
# For validators, restart vald/tofnd
KEYRING_PASSWORD="pw-1" TOFND_PASSWORD="pw-2" ./scripts/validator-tools-host.sh -n testnet -a v1.0.2 -q v0.10.1
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